Drought Tolerant Plants for Los Angeles Condos

When we arrived at this Los Angeles condominium complex, we were to clean up a large concrete planter full of weeds and restock it with drought-resistant, colorful plants and a drip irrigation system. Here you can see the original planter, full of weeds.  The weeds are growing full throttle without irrigation.  Funny how weeds will [...]


Beautiful design of condominium walkway

At this condominium complex in Van Nuys, California, we created a beautiful design for a functional walkway.  This provided not only drought-resistant landscape to save water but also allowed the residents to more fully enjoy their common space. As you can see, while having a space of grass can at first seem calming, this area [...]


Hummingbird Garden at Elementary School

The owner of Linda Vista Landscape Services, Gonzalo Flores, worked with Jefferson Elementary School in Burbank, California and Eagle Scout Ryan Austin to design a hummingbird garden and oversee the volunteer work for creating the garden on behalf of the community. It was a great opportunity to teach an exceptional young man new skills and [...]

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